The Cryptocurrency Post

EthereumWisdom Community Update: Kucoin and Binance listed

EthereumWisdom Community Update: Kucoin and Binance listed

Binance is a crypto currency exchange, focused mainly on the Chinese market. The most recognizable name behind this project is that of Changpeng Zhao, former CTO at OKCoin. Binance was created after attracting funds via an ICO. 24-hour Trading Volume hits 5.5 Billion, achieving the goal of being the most important exchanges in the crypto world.

KuCoin is a relatively new cryptocurrency exchange based in Hong Kong. It operates on a crypto-to-crypto basis, so no fiat currencies are supported. Nonetheless, its digital assets portfolio is pretty extensive it offers its own token KCS (KuCoin Shares) and uses it in a similar way to Binance. KuCoin already offers a substantial number of coins for trade, with 170 Active Markets and $100M+ 24-hour trading volume.

Both the exchanges has been listed on EthereumWisdom and it’s now possible to monitor the cryptos and tokens traded in these services, with real time prices and data.

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