NFTevening has partnered with Bitget, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, to bring users an exclusive trading event with incredible rewards. This is your chance to earn up to $4,000 by simply signing up, depositing, and trading on Bitget through NFTevening’s referral link.
How to Join the Event
Joining is quick and easy! Just follow these steps:
- Step 1: Sign up for a Bitget account using NFTevening’s referral link or a Bitget official partner’s link.
- Step 2: Click the “Register Now” button on the event page to confirm your participation.
- Step 3: Deposit and trade on Bitget to qualify for the rewards.

Terms & Conditions
- Participants must complete KYC verification before the event ends to claim rewards.
- Bitget will distribute rewards within 7 business days after the event concludes.
- Any fraudulent activity (self-trading, market manipulation, or using multiple accounts under the same IP) will result in disqualification.
- Bitget has the final authority in case of disputes.
- Winners are responsible for taxes and transaction fees when claiming their rewards.
Claim Your Share of Up to $4,000 in Rewards!
This exclusive NFT Evening x Bitget event presents a rare chance for new users to earn up to $4,000 simply by participating in crypto trading. Whether you’re an experienced trader or just starting, this is the perfect opportunity to maximize your earnings on a trusted platform.
About Bitget
Bitget is a top-tier cryptocurrency exchange known for its advanced trading tools, industry-leading copy trading features, and high-security standards. The platform offers spot and futures trading, staking opportunities, and exclusive reward programs, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced traders.
Register now and start trading to secure your reward!