The Cryptocurrency Post

When To Sell Crypto (Don’t Get Rekt)

When To Sell Crypto (Don’t Get Rekt)

BTC hitting all time highs, normie friends pestering you about random coins, and Coinbase entering the Top 100 downloaded apps has got many of us wondering when the markets will top out, experience a pullback, or enter a correction.

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BTC hitting all time highs, normie friends pestering you about random coins, and Coinbase entering the Top 100 downloaded apps has got many of us wondering when the markets will top out, experience a pullback, or enter a correction. The issue of when to sell and realize profits is a contentious topic in every cycle and has certainly yielded some worthy memes.

BUT – this time round things seem different and Coinbase downloads may no longer be the holy grail of top signals. That’s why today we’re exploring the top 11 top signals to be aware of – to avoid getting rekt.

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